Use "repose|reposed|reposes|reposing" in a sentence

1. The land reposes in the dusk.

2. After lunch Father reposed in the hammock.

3. She reposed her head on his shoulder.

4. This seam of coal reposes on a layer of clay.

5. Thus Moses reposed at the age of 120.

6. She reposed her head on her husband's shoulder.

7. The delightful sofa invites repose.

8. Don't disturb her repose.

9. (2)Yushan reposes varieties of natural and humanity resources in abundance.

10. The chief manager has always reposed complete faith in his secretary.

11. The confidence of the woman reposes itself on the honor of the man.

12. 10 The delightful sofa invites repose.

13. Mr. Cruncher reposed under a patchwork counterpane, like a Harlequin at home.

14. Shall I " repose " of him right now, boss?

15. Even the rare moments of repose were filled with plans.

16. The only true repose is in the grave.

17. Synonyms for Aestivating include dormant, asleep, sleeping, dozing, napping, slumbering, hibernating, resting, comatose and reposing

18. It was lined with baize, on which reposed row upon row of miniatures.

19. The dividing line between language and music is blurred, reposing the question of their common origins.

20. She went outside seeking a few moments of repose.

21. The first rays of morning sun disturbed their repose.

22. We repose a lot of hope in this project.

23. Tenderness is the repose of Passion. Joseph Joubert 

24. Synonyms for Basked include lounged, relaxed, lied, lolled, lazed, sprawled, sunbathed, loafed, reclined and reposed

25. Repose of manner is an estimable trait in a horse.

26. The money he had stolen from the gravel pits reposed under his bunk in the houseboat.

27. Actually, we may repose part of a longer version of this talk.

28. Pain can appear spontaneously, under strain, during states of movement or repose.

29. But the iron ores are deposited during a period of repose.

30. And here is another five seconds of repose, is my mantra.

31. He reposed on November 21, 1985 and was buried in the cemetery of the Church of Dormition.

32. He had a still,( almost blank face in repose.

33. His reactions caused him pleasure, fury, deep repose or inner peace.

34. Two skulls repose upon the same Worn pillow in their dusty mine.

35. So let us enjoy this moment of repose, exchange of ideas and authentic fraternity.

36. His venerable mortal remains repose beside the Confessio of the Apostle Peter.

37. Actually we may repose part of a longer version of this talk.

38. This angle of repose is also crucial in correctly calculating stability in vessels.

39. Antonyms for Constriction include decompression, expansion, enlargement, freedom, increase, opening, release, repose, leisure and ease

40. Whatever we know about our neighbors is hushed and lulled by the deep repose.

41. Alternating regions of tension and repose, of tempestuousness and peace, like the heavens.

42. We have ordered a thousand Masses said for the repose of Duke Onorato's soul.

43. Never did she show any disposition to leave my chapel, where her repose was respected.

44. Never has sacrifice of repose, of health, of interest been more absolute and more entire."

45. Here the combination of comforts for both work and calm repose can be found.

46. Archpriest Steven John Belonick reposed in the Lord Jesus Christ on August 7, 2019, after an extended illness, acute myeloid leukemia

47. A haven of repose and tranquillity, with easy transport links to major cultural and artistic attractions..

48. At San Francisco Opera he conducted the premiere of Andrew Imbrie's Angle of Repose in 1976.

49. Agreeable has an LRV of 60, which is a hair lighter than Repose Gray at 58

50. 5 Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots of ascension.

51. Synonyms for Calmness include peace, peacefulness, calm, quiet, serenity, tranquillity, hush, placidity, repose and stillness

52. They were not mighty faces, in just repose, or caught there purely, in serene rapture.

53. One day she sat down with the greatest possible satisfaction before a platter on which reposed a huge steak, sizzling and flavourful .

54. Two months of repose were ended by an eruption lasting from October 16 to 18.

55. He simply floats into confounding feats of acrobatics and then comes to still, collected repose.

56. After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose , years of sabbatical.

57. 25 After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose , years of sabbatical.

58. His soul would have no repose and would hover over the place, flying through the night.

59. 10 He simply floats into confounding feats of acrobatics and then comes to still, collected repose.

60. It should never induce repose , mellowness , acquiescence but a creative restlessness , a dynamic vivacity , a prophetic zeal .

61. Reed has been scowling so long in his long career that it seems a natural repose for him.

62. Conformability: The state or quality of being conformable; specifically, in geology , the relation of two strata, one of which reposes on the other and is parallel to it

63. The rest of you are to leave and pray for the repose of His Lordship' s soul

64. Classicism, a term that, when applied generally, means clearness, elegance, symmetry, and repose produced by attention to traditional forms

65. And if we allowed there to be a deity or deities, what confidence could we repose in them?

66. Classicism, a term that, when applied generally, means clearness, elegance, symmetry, and repose produced by attention to traditional forms

67. The steepest angle that a cohesionless slope can maintain without losing its stability is known as its angle of repose.

68. “I grew up in a Confucian family, and I used to participate in the ceremony for the repose of our ancestors.

69. 7 Mourners are remembering Lady Bird Johnson, the widow of former President Lyndon Baines Johnson will lie in repose until Saturday.

70. The bustle of unseen life was stirring all about him, and yet nature seemed to be lying in majestic repose.

71. The strength of the court used to be that, when all else failed, trust continued to repose there at least.

72. The Hotel Schwarzmatt is located in the heart of nature, on the outskirts of Badenweiler, where you can enjoy repose and recreation.

73. It is not in the still calm of life, or in the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed.

74. The natural factors of the resort along with the modern infrastructure of Lilia Hotel are an excellent premise for Your complete repose.

75. As Preyer puts it, the activity of the cerebrum is a sort of respiration, while its repose is a sort of Asphyxia of this organ

76. When the citizens are avaricious, cowardly, pusillanimous, and love repose more than freedom, they do not hold out against the redoubled efforts of the government.

77. "David therefore Avouches that substantial joy, wherein men's minds may repose themselves, is nowhere to be found but in God alone; and therefore, " 2

78. 48: The doctor […] desired they would have the goodness to repose themselves without ceremony, each in his respective Couchette, while he and his friend Mr

79. "O glittering reminder of tragedy, grant repose to the souls of our kindred" See Voce the Assuager ? Final stage of a 4-stage evolution

80. Smiling Beatifically, and wearing both his decorations, Napoleon reposed on a bed of straw on the platform, with the money at his side, neatly piled on a china dish from the farmhouse kitchen